This Blog

This blog is where I will let off some steam, some days are harder than others and it is good to let it out ..

Monday, 28 March 2011

My, Our, The: Story Pt Two

So What could I tell him? His friends and girlfriend came through, such good friends he had, and they are still with him and around him today. He woke up the next day, but I could not tell him anything, that was left to my dad.
A few days later, Back at the house we had a visit from the police. We were told that he the monster had came through a fence from the field and right into the side of the car. We were told he was in possession of drug's, that he had, had a girl also in the car but they were fine.
I remember thinking why on earth was he in a field, was he trying to bunny hope over the verge, over the car?

The explanation of that night was he had came into the side of the car, right into the passenger side, the car had rolled six times before coming to rest. Passenger side down to the ground with my step-dad having all but the belt holding him up. My mothers breathing slowing, and my brother hanging by his leg. By chance some of duty police men found them and got them to safety. Those men, I have no idea who they were but I will be forever thankful to them.

Stories flew about the paper's, and while I was out buying my brother trousers baggy enough to put over his stooky, I seen a shop advertising the daily news. I was so angry I wanted to run into the shop and demand they took it down, I wanted to cause a war with this little newsagents. My husband reminded me that was just the way of life, it was another story to sell papers. To this day whenever I see a headline I wonder what the family are feeling. Do they want to tear it down off the advertising stand?

We moved away soon after the funeral to Crewe. I could not bear the thought of that Monster opening a door for me and the pram and not knowing his face say thank-you. If that Monster came around here tomorrow and offered me an apology I would still slam the door on his face.

In the court cases that followed he claimed epilepsy, his wife vouched for him. It turned out he had cause other car crash's in previous years. He got away with the famous 'Not Proven'. The 'Not Proven' of Scotland that can never be proven so it is more or less a 'You got away with it, and if any evidence crops up that proves your guilt - well we can't try it again so don't worry'
In the claims court it was found that he did not actually have epilepsy and it was just a lie to get him away with it, his wife messed up her story, and he started swearing at the judge, his doctor walked out on him as apparently did his lawyer.
He can relax though thanks to the Terrible Justice System that Scotland has, even though his guilt shone through he get's to find a happy place in the knowledge that Scotland does not let cases that are 'Not Proven' Back to court.
He still get's to drive, as his license was never taken away. Watch out people of Angus It might be you he get's next.

I write this story because people seem to be rather silent, silent about Car Crashes, Silent about unfair 'Justice'
I don't see why, don't be hushed by society telling you to keep it bottled up. Write it, shout it, let people know otherwise it will always be the situation people find themselves in.

Justice? Don't make me laugh. Karma Don't get me started. God .. Don't even go there.

My, Our, The: Story Pt One

On the Morning of the 27th Of February 2004, I was quite a Happy little Bunny, I was 19, pregnant with my first child. Today was the day I was getting the cot, we were not in the money and one of my co-workers had offered me a cot for £50 or there about. Having no car I had asked my mother to come help me pick it up, so I was chuffed. Little Bump Chloe would have another piece to add to her room.
First up - Getting work out the way. Shift was from 9am till 1.30. Not overly long but still, what a boring job it was. Getting the patient files, popping them in the rotating shelves in alphabetical order. Honestly, I was possibly the worst worker, I was forever getting them in the wrong order, but the people were lovely and my co-worker would forever be putting me right.
During work and break, I called up my mother telling her not to bother, the snow was heavy and the ice was thick. She agreed, and that was that. We would be getting the cot another day.
On arriving home later that day I figured the snow had melted a little, and it would be nice to see her so I grabbed my Really Red Phone, and I will never forget this moment it's still as though it was yesterday and I called her. She agreed to come through but with step-dad driving.
We all went for dinner at weather-spoons in Arbroath, I borrowed £20 off my mum to get the baby bouncer to, then back to mine, where my husband stayed with my mum and brother, while my step-dad and I went out to collect the cot. When we got back my mum asked me to build up the cot to let her see it, I wish I'd agreed but I said No as I was far to tired by this point and just wanted to sleep.
I gave her a hug and she left - but for some reason I called her back for an extra hug, these are the points that I remember most. That day seems so clear.
Next thing I knew I heard what I thought was the police banging at the door, I listened in as Michael (My partner at the time - now husband) answered but the voices were muffled.
Michael came upstairs and told me to get up quickly, there had been an accident and my family were now at the hospital. It never once occurred to me it would be anything serious. I went to get my bag and purse. My mum's friends said 'no - just forget that, we need to go, there has been a car crash' I remember reluctantly leaving my bag, feeling that I had time to get it as everyone knows A&E takes forever, the queues are terrible.
First off, we went in the car to go to my Mum's friends where (Let's call her Anne, and her husband Tim) Anne told me we had to call Ninewell's. When I called I was told my Step-Dad had been Checked in, and My brother had been Checked in. No Sign of My mum though. Still, I was not worried, far from it I remember being calm, thinking she had possibly not been hurt so no need to check in, I had images of her sitting worried in a room with my brother. She could handle it, she was a strong woman my mother.
Having now had called Ninewells we got on our way, in the car, things started racing though my mind, why was the hospital necessary? Would they just need a lift home? What If ....
It was around midnight when we got there, there did not seem to be anyone around. Rather eerie to be honest. As we got deeper into the hospital we eventually reached somewhere where a nurse stood, Tim went to talk to her and two minutes later a Doctor appeared. We were led into a room with a few chairs, to take a seat. 'I'm sorry but your Mum did not make it' the conversation seems to stop there, all I picked up on after that was my brother had not woke up and my step-dad was in a bad way .....
After this I went to see my brother, he was only 14 so he was on a child's ward, the nurse showed us where he was, I took one look and decided I could not go in any further - with a tear drop of blood trickling down from his eye, it made me leave. He was sleeping that was as much as I could take.
Next up step-dad, I hoped for a better outcome, he was awake though I could not choke up a word all he said was 'I know .. I knew she was hadn't made it' With a drain at his side his lungs and ribs had taken a beating.
As we walked out to the car park away from the hospital I did not see much, though my husband did, and it was not until a later date that we learned it was the monster who done it.
First point of call in all my wisdom at the time was to head to the care home where my mother had worked as a RMN. At that point in time all I could think on was letting them know, she had work the next day and having had worked there myself I knew that my mum would have wanted them to get organised, they would need staff the next day. When we got there no one answered the door, they would be busy, but I remembered the phone number somehow, and they answered. I let them know we were at the door, and as I told them all three broke down in tears .. I knew I should but they just did not come, I had more to do.
We went to my Mum's house next, where my Dad was called. He lived in Bristol so he should know, I remember saying First, I am sorry to call you at this hour but ....
The next day he was on his way, my Aunt was already there alongside my Papa. I just did not want to leave my brother's side, What in the world would I tell him when he woke? (Cont..)

Here Goes - Introducing Me

I'm Karen, I Am 26. Married with three gorgeous Children. The husband run's his own business, and I look after the children. To be totally honest, I am setting this up feeling I could write a big book about life experiences. Though I doubt I'd get sales, and I doubt my writing abilities. A book is a tad much so maybe a blog will do.

I have my main story to tell, one that has effected the person I am, or at least when I think back to it and try to think about who I would be now if it hadn't happened I feel I'd be different. It still carries on now and I feel like the world is out to prevent Justice.

Karma, I don't believe in Karma. Karma is the word people use to push thing's to the back of your thoughts. When Jimmy be Bop Lies about you and spreads a rumor around town telling people you slept with all his mates 'Don't worry Karma will get them', two years later you find out Wee Jimmy had his tongue pierced, got an infection and could not talk for two weeks....It was Karma. No it wasn't it was nothing to do with that rumor that spread it was a bloomin infection!

God is the other one, God will spite them Down, No sorry I don't believe in god so why should I expect him to spite Him down. If god really does exist he does not owe me any favors. When 'Wee Jimmy' comes before God in his after life do I really want him punished? No, I would rather know 'Wee Jimmy' god his comeupance on earth.

So Karma and God and any other 'Miracle' cure you have to put things to the background and forget about it, sorry not a fan.

The Justice system is what should work, and it fails a good percentage of the time. If you are like me and feel that way, if you are one of those who has been guilty, done time and feel you were hard done by .. Sorry not talking about you. I am talking about those of us who have seen the guilty walk out of a court room with a smile on their face, grinning that justice was not served and they are free to roam. The Justice system Sucks! Yes Scotland - Your Justice system is a real piece of CRAP.

So welcome to my world of Me, A short Introduction as to what this blog is about - My Ranting - next post will share Why I rant.