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This blog is where I will let off some steam, some days are harder than others and it is good to let it out ..

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Planking Twats!

So Planking is fun? Yes it may be popular, Yes you may want the 'best' planking picture. Honestly can you say that any plank is worth your life or the possible loss of another's?
The picture up top shows what could have been the loss of life's, if I had been driving underneath that I may have just taken my eyes away from the road for that split second and died - or killed another. These people should be jailed for putting the lifes of the public at risk.
I have heard of people planking on top of car's while they are being driven - People this is dangerous driving, Fun or not you could cause an accident!
The latest caze in Russia is being buried alive overnight and given air holes, someone just died as it rained on the night he done it - Come on it's a craze everyone, as is planking and both are dangerous, but I bet half the so called 'Planker Wankers' will not be as keen to take up on this craze.
Planking is not cool, it makes you look like a big kid that need's a good slap for being so stupid - Here is hoping the planking craze die's before more people die in either in the process of planking or die as a result of a planker.

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