A bit about my Mum, the person who should still be here today, the person who the Justice System did not feel was important enough to actually hand justice down to her killer.
She was always there for my brother and I, our dad left when I was five not that I put any blame on to him as He is with a woman who makes him happy, and has a daughter, my sister who I can not imagine being without. It did make things hard though, as we had no where to live, we went from place to place. My nana's at first but things did not work out so we moved to my aunte's but there was very little space for us, her husband and three boy's so we moved to my friend's house but again hardly any space and eventually we got a place in the Inverclyde center which is a rather large building with many little flats for people 'inbetween' getting a house. We got a flat in one of the most roughest area's in the end up and even though I was eight at the time I could tell my mum was scared, but she tried to hide it. Throughout the few years she was at College/University she also worked, and took care of my brother and I. While having to move from house to house, as landlords were selling the houses out from under our feet, and the council were placing us in area's even the rats did not want to wonder. She got through University and became a RMN, she looked so great on her graduation day!
Eventually as I went into 3rd Year at high school she found the perfect man for her, he took my brother and I on as though we were his own and I wouldn't be without him now. She made a grand choice and was finally smiling. They traveled Scotland with my brother and I and without when we were at my dad's. They went and bought caravan's, and got married. We then moved through to Brechin after I left School and she finally 'Had all her duck's in a row' she had her Job, she had bought her house, she was happy. She was taken from us when she had finally got herself where she wanted to be.
One time that sticks out in my head was when we went to our caravan in Dunoon, which had 'Sinking mud' at the back of the end Row of caravan's. My brother and cousin decided to take a walk in their wellies, when they got stuck and started to sink, having no idea how to get them out I ran back to the caravan where my mum had decided to take a nap,#Bang Bang# at the caravan door - Yelling to her that they were sinking, she did not believe me one little bit for a good few minutes then decided that I was being that serious, and started to run towards them in her PJ's and Slippers. The state we all got into with them both sinking, my mum sinking and me pulling them all as she started to sink to. I bet somewhere in Dunoon - those wellies are still stuck in the mud as when we eventually got them free the wellies were stuck firm tops of wellies just viewable.
She loved to party that's for sure, we had many good times throwing BBQ's or parties at her friends house, caravan park entertainment. Ceilidh's were one of her favorites though.
She deserved so much better, and that's why I will not rest until I make a difference. It would be great to get justice for her, but even if I do not get the dangerous driver who killed her locked up - I would settle for making sure no one else goes through this.
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