This Blog

This blog is where I will let off some steam, some days are harder than others and it is good to let it out ..

Monday, 23 May 2011

Driving with a Problem

Those of you who have read this blog will know my Mother's Killer, his lawyers put through a Plea of 'Epilepsy', his wife said 'He blacked out' and he himself said he had blackout's. The thing is He had 'blacked out' before, and crashed his car, prior to killing my mother so surely if he had indeed had black out's before, he should not have kept driving.
Those who know that something is wrong, should stop driving and take a trip down to their doctors surgery, I don't care if you drive for your job, or you need the car for your kid's, or you live in the country and cant get back and forth without your car - Order a damn taxi.
If you drive with a known problem, you are not only putting yourself at risk you are putting the life's of the kid's in the back of your car at risk, you are putting the life's of others at risk. All because you can't just take yourself to a doctor's surgery which takes all of ten minutes.
In my opinion those with epilepsy should not have a driving license, as sad as it may be, why endanger their life and the lives of others at the expense of convenience. Robert Forbes, his doctor's lied and said epilepsy only to say he did not after the criminal trial, but Robert Forbes after having previous imaginary blackouts that he said he had, even in this false little story they came up with - He should have been jailed for driving in the 'knowledge' he had blackouts and had not visited a doctor.

So please - If you know you are not well, if you have blackout's or feel tired all the time or whatever, and it will effect your driving ability. Just don't - visit a doctor.

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