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This blog is where I will let off some steam, some days are harder than others and it is good to let it out ..

Monday, 23 May 2011

Cars are Just as Dangerous as Knifes & Guns

We all get Shocked when we hear that someone has been killed by a Gun or Knife, people protest and the media covers it extensively. Petitions flow like running water, and politicians stand up and speak about it on what seems like a daily basis. What about those killed by a dangerous driver? Well for a start they normally say 'Accident' which drives me round the bend. It almost let's the dangerous driver off the hook. The word Accident seems to be the famous 'oop's word' - He was talking on his mobile phone, ignoring the road, and going against everything spoke about on the TV Adverts and Common Scene but it was an 'Accident' he killed three people in the car in front. We just seem to accept the word and society seems to let it go. If it is a knife or a gun - It is far from an accident but I think we are forgetting that a car is just as dangerous, and people have a responsibility the day they sign up for a provisional license to drive safely, the day they get their License they have an even bigger responsibility.
These boy racers, these drug drivers, drunk drivers - they all seem to get a slap on the wrist, told they are naughty and sent home with a telling off. Even though they have a responsibility, even though they were in control of a rather large weapon and did not use it safely.
The government need to start looking at car's in the way the look at a licensed gun, you are able to use it but should you kill someone with it you get punished. Car's are weapons which you can go and buy whether second hand or from any car dealer, they are perfectly legal, as long as you pass your test. You apply for a gun, but if you use it and kill someone society is shocked, you kill someone with your car and it was an 'accident' - The family of the Father killed by the gun, people feel such sympathy for, which is of course for a good reason, The family of the Father killed by the car, they pretty much get told to move on - 'It was an accident. What if it was not an accident what if some Idiot tried to Bunny Hop over the car, while in his car, from a verge, Or What if the Person was on their mobile, or what if they fell asleep at the wheel because they drove after a twelve hour shift, that is not an Accident that is just the way people are they do not want the inconvenience of having to get a bus or a train if they have their car. People who drink the night before and wake up and think - Ach I've slept the drink off enough, I am sure I am fine to drive now, Can't be bothered phoning a Taxi. If that person is in a Car Crash people say it was an 'Accident'.
We need to start thinking that these Car Crashes are more than just accident's, they are people who do not respect the life's of others, they are people who do not want to be inconvenienced with giving a second thought. These people are just as bad as the ones who take a gun to someone else as they have the responsibility for their own actions, they have the responsibility to question their ability - IE I cannot TXT and drive, I Cannot Drink and Drive, I Cannot drive as I am far to tiered. They are at the end of the day operating a vehicle that should be considered a weapon if it is not operated

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